News 24 This vitamin stops the death of brain cells


  Expressive Is there a vitamin that stops the death of brain cells? A study that already has available vitamin A is a key to stopping the development of brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease or Parkinson's, according to Care2.

The new findings, published in the journal Cell Reports, have shown that a form of vitamin B3 called riboside nicotinamide preserves brain cells, also called neurons, by improving the function of their energy centers, called mitochondria.

[Amélioration de la maladie de Parkinson]
# Barkinson's Disease is Disturbance in the nervous system affects movement, and develops gradually. Parkinson's disease or Parkinson's disease usually starts with very simple tremors and tremors of one hand, but these are the most common signs of the disease. Other symptoms can cause stiffness or sluggishness in movement and stuttering while you try to talk. Although the disease is not known, diet and lifestyle can slow down symptoms and improve the quality of life of people with Parkinson's disease

according to Dr. Mickela Delide, head of research projects on the brain at the University of Tübingen and Helmholtz in Germany. "Vitamin nicotinamide riboside stimulates metabolism and gives energy to damaged brain cells to protect them from dementia and death."

Other Benefits of B3
Vitamin B3 helps maintain healthy skin, hair, liver and eyes. It contributes to the production of hormones and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Vitamin B3 is found in many foods, including tuna, chicken, turkey, salmon, mutton, beef, sardines, shrimp and brown rice. Other good sources include eggplant, yellow tomatoes, avocados, dates, potatoes, mushrooms, peas, green soy, rice bran and barley.

Although this study was primarily aimed at Parkinson's disease, it is important to pay attention to eat more foods rich in vitamin B3.

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