News 24 Video .. Types of viral hepatic infections and methods of infection and how to transmit


  Archives The Department of Health has published a film on the types of hepatic viruses, their differences, the methods of infection, whether they cause chronic diseases or not, and the possibility of treatment of the virus.

The film explains that viral hepatitis A It turns into a chronic disease and is transmitted through food, drink and sexual contact and is rarely transmitted through contaminated blood. Hepatitis A does not require treatment, but has preventive prophylaxis and does not lead to other hepatic complications.

B viral hepatitis is a chronic disease in 15% of cases, During intercourse, contaminated blood, the treatment of the patient infected with the virus is active, and there is a protective vaccination.

The latest types of viral infections in the liver are viral infection (C), which can turn into chronic disease in 80% of cases, and that is transmitted by contaminated blood and rarely by sexual intercourse, and all the injured It is treated and there is no protective vaccination. In addition to lead to other liver complications, but the treatment is available and the cure rate, God willing, more than 95%.

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