Observe .. Peeking in mobile phones caused the increase in dry eye in children


Observe .. Peeking in mobile phones has caused the increase in dry eye in children, according to the Nile, the site of the newspaper Al Wasat, which contains news of caution. The British have reported that a large number of children develop dry eye because they spend too much time watching the screens.

According to the Daily Mail website, researchers have pointed out that this situation is most common among the elderly, but it increases in children because they are less bright looking at the screens, so drying out their tears faster.

Scientists at Aston University in Birmingham have developed an app for smartphones to help diagnose people earlier if they have dry eyes.

The researchers went on to say that every time the eyelids blink, tears spread to provide protection and nutrients to the eyes. "This syndrome occurs when the tears are not produced properly in the eyes or evaporate very quickly from the surface of the eye, which causes irritation and eye discomfort, and can be considered as a vision blurred or more serious problems ".

The team was designed to help doctors and pharmacists who often do not have the right equipment to diagnose people with this common disease.

Now the seventh

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Source: Nilin

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