Omega 3 supplements do not protect against heart disease!


Omega-3 supplements have long been considered to have significant health benefits, but a recent study has shown that they are generally unnecessary and do not protect against heart disease, and experts recommend omega-3s through foods. For years, it has been widely believed that omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for heart health, but a new study has shown that their use in the form of dietary supplements is of little use for protection against heart disease. That the effect of supplements containing omega-3 is little or no risk Death, or heart attack or angina pectoris

The study, published in the journal Cochrane Librari, revealed that the Researchers have found some benefits from taking these supplements because they reduce triglycerides, but the disadvantage is that they also reduce levels of what is known as beneficial cholesterol.

The study found that the body benefits from canola oil and nuts, especially in the prevention of irregular heartbeats, but Lee Huber, the study's greatest researcher has confirmed that the effect is limited. "For example, if 143 people were able to eat canola oil, one would avoid the health problem," said a registered dietitian and researcher at Norwich College of Medicine's University of Toronto. East Anglia. Supplements are not recommended, but supplements are not recommended.

The reason is that "omega-3 supplements reduce triglycerides and if doctors ask patients to take them, go on … But for the rest of us, Tin" Michael J. Blah of the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease in America agrees with the previous point of view, stressing that "this does not mean that omega-3s are not fully useful, but preferably obtained by food, no

Oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are known to be the most important sources of omega-3 fatty acids, and can be obtained through flaxseed , soybean oil and canola.

This content origin from the Dutch City website
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