Palestinian News Agency – 60 grams of nuts daily combat infertility in men


A study in Spain reported that the inclusion of nuts in the daily diet significantly improves male fertility and fights infertility by improving sperm quality and function.

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Rovira e Virgili in Spain.

The researchers explained that several studies have been conducted to find ways to improve male fertility, in the context of the general decline in the quantity and quality of human sperm,

. the results of the study, the team conducted a 14-week clinical trial involving 119 young people aged 18 to 35 years.

The young team split into two groups. The first group consisted of 60 grams of nuts, nuts and nuts, while the second group did not eat nuts.

The team found that walnuts altered sperm in participants, improving sperm quality and function. They take it.

A group that treated walnuts also showed a significant reduction in levels of sperm DNA fragmentation, a factor closely associated with infertility in males.

For this reason, the study reveals that nuts are rich in nutrients. The head of the research team, Albert Salas Huetus, said: "The results highlight the role of nuts in promoting sperm quality in men and reflect the need for further research on its benefits. the fight against their infertility. "

V A previous study found that eating nuts (nuts) can regularly help improve men's fertility by improving sperm quality.

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