Passive smoking causes children to snore



  Passive smoking causes snoring

Passive smoking affects rodent children

Scientists say that children indirectly exposed to tobacco smoke can develop snoring and sleep apnea.

The results of a study indicate that the risk of snoring increases up to 87%, if the child is regularly exposed to cigarette smoke. The risk of snoring youth was about 2% for each cigarette smoked daily at home.

Chinese scientists have reviewed 24 studies involving nearly 88,000 children to get these results

How to stop snoring naturally? "The experts welcomed the results, because snoring is often an indicator of sleep apnea and has been associated with various health problems."

Dr. Lucy Popova, researcher at Georgia State University who does not Did not participate in the study: "Some parents may think that snoring in children is benign, but it is often the first step The development of sleep apnea, which is associated with high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. "

This study adds to the evidence that passive smoking can be harmful, especially for young children who are still growing. In 1965, researchers from Qingdao University, led by Dr. Kee Sun, found that children's exposure to pre- and postnatal smoke increased their chances of continuously snoring, compared to children not exposed to secondhand smoke

. Snoring After birth, children who smoke their mother are 87% more likely to snore than non-smoking children

Parents' smoking has an impact on their children by exposing them to a risk of snoring around 45%

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