Prevention is better than cure. Causes of pancreatitis


Many are the members of the human body, each member of its importance and functions, for the stability of the body and the rest.

Among human organs of importance, the pancreas, where the pancreas secretes enzymes, which helps digest food, and is responsible for the treatment of sugars in the blood, by the secretion of insulin, and store the food in the body.

According to the WebM website, there are reasons that lead to pancreatic infections and dysfunctions, namely excessive consumption of alcohol, gallstones, side effects of certain drugs can cause pancreatitis, surgery that affected the pancreas, and autoimmune infections.

The symptoms of pancreatitis are severe abdominal pain after eating, especially after eating fatty foods, bloating, nausea and vomiting, high fever, increased heart rate, diarrhea, and loss of weight. significant weight.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis, through self-examination, and confirmation of symptoms or sound waves.

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