Research Reveals Why Girls Are More Likely to Develop Alzheimer's Disease Than Young People


According to Sadi, the Al-Wasat website reports research that reveals why girls are more likely to have Alzheimer's disease.

Al-Wasat: Dementia affects a young man or woman among the 50 million people with dementia Diseases that affect memory and brain processes, including Alzheimer's disease

This number increases very quickly, and experts estimate that the total number of people with dementia will reach 75 million in the world by 2030 and reach 131.5 million in 2050.

In Sydney, deaths from dementia represent About two-thirds of girls in the country and in the States In some cases, the dementia is even higher than in other well-known girls: American women over the age of 60 are more likely to have dementia Alzheimer's disease than to develop breast cancer twice as much

. "As the number of girls with the disease increases, we must examine and study the differences related to Alzheimer's disease," said Antonella Santochion-Schada, Alzheimer's disease specialist in Switzerland. In this disease between males and females. "[196590] 02] Much of the gender gap in this disease comes from the age gap, which is the biggest risk factor for dementia. The older the person is the higher the risk of Alzheimer's disease, the age of girls is generally longer than that of young people, so the total number of people with Alzheimer's is higher. [19659002] Other factors of the disease affect girls more than young people.For example, there is a greater number of girls with depression, and depressed mood is closely related to Alzheimer's The other factors that affect girls are menopause and complications associated with pregnancy, which are related to the decline of vital functions later in life.

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Source: Siddy Country

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