Study warns of drugs used to treat back pain


A recent Australian study found that antiretroviral drugs, which are widely used to treat low back pain, are ineffective and can cause adverse effects on the body.

The study also found that the strong description of antidepressants as drugs for the treatment of low back pain 535% over the past ten years, according to recent studies to monitor trends in the treatment of ailments back.

To monitor the effectiveness of these drugs in the treatment of low back pain, the team conducted 9 trials on a group of patients with low back pain who received antidepressants.

The results revealed that these drugs are ineffective and can have harmful effects on the body as a result of drug interactions.

Antidepressants or antiperspirants are drugs used to prevent epileptic seizures and are used to treat other diseases such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, and also as a home of the pain.

According to a previous study, about 80% of Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, and over a third of adults say that low back pain can affect their daily functioning.

According to the study, back pain affects millions of people around the world and is the leading cause of disability and disability in the world.

According to the World Health Organization, back pain in low- and middle-income countries affects 35.1% of the population, while 6.9% is affected by chronic back pain.

An earlier study found that about 80% of Americans suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, and over a third of adults say that lower back pain can affect their daily tasks.

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Source: Vision News

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