Study: Whole milk does not harm the health of arteries


Contrary to the belief that whole milk products, especially milk, can damage the health of arteries, a new study has produced shocking results that refute ancient beliefs and suggest that whole milk offers a medical benefit to the public. arteries and does not harm them

The new discovery causes a revolution in medicine in terms of heart problems and the relationship between certain foods, including whole milk, and the increase of cholesterol and fat in the body , the leading cause of risk for heart disease and stroke.

"Dr." Whole milk has benefits to reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack and blockage of arteries, "said the report." Whole milk does not increase these risks, and it can prolong life. "

There is no definitive proof of the association of dairy fats with heart disease.

According to the Daily Telegraph, researchers who work on the study have not yet found evidence linking dairy fats, heart disease and stroke.The mechanism is that some types of creamy dairy products may [19900900] Dr. Marcia Otto's University of Texas and the lead author of the study said that the results supported the evidence that dairy fats do not increase the risk of heart disease or increase the risk of heart disease. mortality rate among women.

In addition to lack of mortality, fatty acids found in dairy products can reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, especially stroke.

The researchers evaluated a series of biological indicators found in dairy and heart-bound and mortality products over the past 22 years until they achieved these shocking results.

Most people on a diet to lose weight or who want to eat healthy, use a little milk or skim instead of fat The high fat content in whole milk.

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