The causes of back pills are the most important exposure to chemicals


There are many backpacks, the most important of which is acne, a condition affecting the hair follicles of the face, chest and back and affecting almost all teenagers during puberty, although the bacteria play a role in its development

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Causes of Backpacks

Causes of Backpacks

There is not a single factor that causes the appearance of red pills in the back, but the Acne occurs when it is stimulated Sebaceous glands at puberty or due to other hormonal changes.

<img alt = "Causes of Backgrouses" src = "https: //img.youm7 .com / ArticleImgs / 2018/7/29 / 26544-483224670.jpg "style =" height: 366px; width: 550px; "
Causes of Backpacks

Here are some factors that do not usually play a role in the appearance of cereals in the back:


Parents are often told to" eat ". avoid pizzas, fatty and fried foods, and fast food foods, while these foods are not good for public health, they do not play an important role in acne.

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Causes of Backpacks

Although some recent studies suggest that a diet rich in carbohydrates, milk and chocolate baked causes the appearance of cereals in the back, face and the body, but the cause and effect have not been established.


Sweat does not cause the appearance of grains and is produced by completely separated glands in the skin, but on the other hand, excessive washing can cause skin irritation.

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Causes of Backpacks


Some people are upset by the appearance of backgammon and make it last longer, however, stress does not play a major role in the onset of acne.

Contributing factors to the emergence of cereals in the back


If a parent is suffering from severe acne, it is likely that acne is more difficult to control.


In some patients, pressure can cause the emergence of pills in the body.


Certain medications can cause or increase the appearance of pills, such as those containing iodine, bromides or steroids by the mouth or by injection and medications taken by bodybuilders or athletes sometimes .


In some functions, exposure to industrial products such as cutting oils can result in grain production in the body.

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