The laser is safe for the treatment of prostate cancer


Prostate tumors are annoying diseases that afflict a class that is not a small number of men and that can unfortunately threaten their lives in the event of ill-treatment or late treatment.

Dr. Khalid Ahmed Habib, urologist, says that prostate cancer prostate tumor, "and has a number of symptoms, the most important of which are major problems in urination, which causes a defect in body organs, which requires surgery to remove prostate cells.Most especially those with heart disease, diabetes and stress

"Khaled Ahmed Habib", pointed out that the laser treatment is completely sure for the health of the patient, even chronic diseases such as heart and sugar And stress, pointing out that the patient immediately after the end of the operation comes out the second day of the hospital naturally, this treatment is the best and most recent in the world in this period has been applied in Egypt recently.

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