The madness of the grandeur of mental illness knows its causes and methods of treatment


"I am a daddy yella" is the phrase that we always repeat as a kind of arrogance and arrogance, but that may indicate paranoia, many think that the folly of greatness is called Hazar , and we call it in certain situations.

Dr. Mohamed Hani, a psychiatrist, said that the narcissistic personalities are those who suffer from paranoia, the characters who have been deprived of their family, either by the loss of confinement, the love or lack of self esteem. Due to exposure to psychological and neurological pressure and deprivation during adolescence "

He added: to show the paranoid sufferer strange behaviors that indicate transcendence and l & # 39; arrogance, including:

wants a person to suffer from paranoia over everything and give him nothing.

Refuses criticism

People close to him blame him for not Interest him and ask him questions, and in return, he does not ask anyone

He uses his power and influence to achieve all that he's ever done. [19659002] He continued: It is necessary to psychologically rehabilitate through the sessions and talk to the patient and to realize that the Shah is the only one who controls everything and his influence will be gone, but will remain well and the method of creation and reputation, and often the patient may be due to his senses in the case of exposure to serious psychological crisis. (Function

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