The seventh day is urgent – if you suffer from the "Sixty Wax" .. Know the causes and treatment


The hair is considered the crown of women and one of the manifestations of beauty, so take care of it and feed, but suffer from the fall and weakness or baldness of women who feel embarrassed, resort to different ways to cover baldness. And the treatment of baldness in women. "Female pattern baldness has become common in many girls, due to the negligence of doctors in the diagnosis and lack of early treatment, in addition to hormonal disorders in some girls or pressure" says Dr. Shahira Al-Ghulban, dermatologist and beauty. Psychological stress and anxiety.

The treatment of baldness in women depends on the diagnosis of the condition correctly, which determines the treatment methods, whether they are local or hormonal, or undergo plasma therapy sessions, and others methods that perform activities in the treatment of baldness in women. The seventh day is urgent – if you suffer from the "Wax Six" .. Know the reasons and treatment – you can see the source of the original news of the following link: The seventh day is urgent and the site of the unit declines all responsibility for the content of the news. ] [ad_2]
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