The world now – for the first time .. Heal a patient with type I diabetes


You are now watching the news – the world now – for the first time .. Healing a patient with type I diabetes
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The Lotus News – The British, Daniel Darks, can enter history by becoming the first person in the world to completely cure type 1 diabetes.

Drake's body, 31 years old, contains a rare gene that can "wake up" pancreatic insulin-producing cells from its "dormancy".

After suffering from the disease since 2010, DARX stopped injecting insulin daily into his body, when he discovered that the blood sugar level was normal even without these injections. This raised the eyebrows of the doctors and decided to send him to the United States for a series of tests, the results showed that he carries a rare gene in his body.

Drex believes that the main reason for his recovery is to run every week 100 kilometers, and his food rich in zinc, nuts, fish oil and vegetables.

The young man confirms that the doctors were in agreement with him, and after a few months he will become the first patient in the world to fully recover from type I diabetes through diet and nutrition. Physical exercise and with the help of a rare Jane has changed her life.

Source: Rambler

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