The world now – the creation of the first three-dimensional X-rays in color


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Scientists have created the first three-dimensional X-rays in color, and by producing a clear picture of the body's interior, scientists hope that the new survey will improve the diagnostic accuracy of the disease. "The new imaging tool is capable of obtaining images that no other imaging instrument can achieve," said study author Phil Butler from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

Colored X-rays allow doctors to identify signs of illness, such as high levels of fat and calcium, according to scientists.

Used to analyze cancers and bone and joint health, this technology "shows promising results for more accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment." X-rays will also be used in a prospective study of patients with joint problems.

Color X-rays such as cameras have shutters that reveal when they open up different particles up to pixels, creating a higher resolution color image than standard X-rays, according to CERN Technologies.

Although originally designed to identify particles used in physics, "high-resolution scanning, and its highly reliable image" makes it ideal for medical use, say scientists.

Source: Daily Mail

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