Treatment of Syphilis with Medication and Surgery – Day 7


The yellow substance is a liquid that is made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder, then in the small intestine, where the body helps to digest fat, bilirubin, cholesterol, l 39; electrolyte and water. (19659004) Causes of Bronchitis

Causes of Bronchitis, Including:

– Infection with Food Poisoning

If you vomit more than once, it may be due to reflux.

  The mother of the stomach 3

Gastric reflux in the stomach

occurs when bile acids mix with foods in the twelve and bile acids return to the stomach.

Bile reflux in the esophagus occurs when bile acids and gastric acid return to the esophagus.

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<h2 class= or other causes, including:

– inflammatory bowel disease IBD )

Symptoms of Yellow Nausea

– vomiting,

– Weight Loss

Treatment of Bile

The treatment of bile depends on the cause of the infection, which can be caused by food poisoning or alcohol

If the drugs have not helped in the treatment Yellow, the patient may need to undergo surgery, with the need to treat colorectal cancer if the causes of bile, reduce the spread of cancer , which may include surgery and radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.

– Stop smoking

When should you see a doctor?

The patient should go to the doctor when certain symptoms occur appear, such as:

  weight loss

– Sensation of Thoracic Pain

– Difficulty Breathing

– Sensation of Severe Abdominal Pain



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