Unexpected signs of iron deficiency!



  Unexpected signs of iron deficiency!


Sohel Parvez Haque / EyeEm

Unexpected Signs of Iron Deficiency

A study conducted by Toby Richards, Professor of Surgery at the University of London, has shown that cases of iron deficiency are the most common in Britain.

Iron deficiency is usually associated with several symptoms, including stress, hair loss, brain fog, libido, depression, heart palpitations, leg upset, and even cravings for ice cubes.

where millions of people suffer from side effects without knowing why. "

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  The fruit should be treated moderately to avoid its" danger "!

The study published in the magazine Blood that we need iron to form hemoglobin , Red blood cells help carry oxygen

Professor Richards explains, "If you suffer from anemia, your (fuel tank) is empty of iron. "He said, people can suffer from iron deficiency, despite normal hemoglobin, so doctors should not rely solely on blood tests to diagnose iron deficiency or anemia."

Richards also says that "the treatment is essentially healthy.Lenses, beans and chickpeas, as well as iron supplementation with a dose of 65 mg per day."

Anemia is more common among seniors with chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

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