Unexpected signs of iron deficiency


Iron is an important metal that plays a vital role in health and well-being, without which many of the body's basic functions are disrupted.

The main role of iron is to carry oxygen in the blood to each cell of the body. The components of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body.

If your body does not contain enough iron, it can not produce enough red blood cells that carry oxygen. Iron deficiency anemia, which means that you have very little hemoglobin.

The following is a set of unexpected indicators of iron deficiency in the body, according to the Daily Mail:

1 Fatigue and exhaustion of the most common signs of iron deficiency because it means that your body has an oxygen problem you have. People who lack iron in their blood often feel slow, weak and unable to concentrate.

Iron plays a key role in the immune system, so low levels of metal can make the patient more vulnerable to infections. Red helps transport oxygen to the spleen and lymph nodes that contain white blood cells that are resistant to infection.

3 Hemoglobin gives the skin a pink color, so low that the skin becomes pale. Size and Fate For pale skin, regardless of skin color, if the area inside the lower eyelid is more palpable than normal, this may indicate iron deficiency. [4] The swollen tongue may also be iron deficiency.

5 Some people with iron deficiency suffer from a leg agitation syndrome, a disorder that causes the patient a strong desire to move his legs and causes him difficulties in to sleep.

6 People with Iron Deficiency Non-food items, such as clay, earth or chalk.

7 When a deficiency develops The hand to anemia can cause hair loss When the hair follicles do not get enough oxygen, they enter the resting phase and the hair begins to fall without regrowing until anemia is treated.

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