Use alternative medicine to treat high blood pressure with herbs


Many people suffer from hypertension, scientifically known as "19459003" Hypertension . "Doctors recommend treating it by changing the way of life with medications.You can use alternative medications and herbs to treat high blood pressure.First of all, to see if certain herbs are appropriate for you and how much you are taking. In this report, we learn how to use alternative medicine to treat high blood pressure with herbs, according to the website Health line . "



Herbs that can be added to many foods and helps lower blood pressure Because it contains "chemical eugenol" that inhibits certain substances that bind blood vessels, which to its turn leads to low blood pressure.

Adding fresh basil to your diet is easy and can not be hurt.


is one of the things that lead to hypotension.A study has shown the success of cinnamon extract in lowering blood pressure and l & # 39; Lowering of blood pressure.

You can add cinnamon to your diet. By sprinkling them with breakfast cereals, oatmeal and coffee and potatoes etc.

A study found that eating 1.5 grams of cardamom powder twice a day for 12 weeks helped lower blood pressure, so that it can be placed on different foods.

Flax Seeds

Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Study Reveals Eating 30 to 50 grams of Flax Seed for More Than 12 Weeks Reduces Blood Pressure and Protects Flaxseed from Cardiovascular Disease and Arteriosclerosis By lowering cholesterol and acting as an antioxidant.


Spice garlic that helps reduce pressure It helps to increase nitric oxide in the body, allowing the blood vessels to relax and expand, allowing to circulate freely and reduce blood pressure.


Wild Hawthorn

Medicinal plants used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat high blood pressure, as well as for cardiovascular health and prevention of # 39; atherosclerosis. And the reduction of cholesterol.

Celery Seeds

Herbs which is used to treat high blood pressure, is also diuretic and celery contains a variety of substances that help lower high blood pressure.

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