Using a mobile phone and a dog Top Keter .. 3 tips to prevent dry eyes


Because people all over the world now depend on tablets, laptops and digital displays, both for work and entertainment, and for long hours, which causes intense strain on the computer. eye.

The stage of ophthalmology added in a statement to the "seventh day", that to avoid the dry eye of mobile devices must follow the following:

1. Follow the 20/20 rule for the convenience of the eye

A rule that rest on the rest of the eye every 20 minutes by searching 20 seconds for something away from the eye, because it relaxes the eye muscles that constantly watch any device, whether it is a mobile screen or a computer.

2 – Constant flicker to prevent dryness of the eyes

Keep looking at the phone or TV screen for the eye to dry, especially if you do not make a small blink because the long look prevents the eye from flashing a lot, which causes the eyes to dry out.

3. Take vitamins for the eyes

Food plays a role in the diet of the eye with all the necessary elements to preserve it Vitamin A is one of the vitamins the most important for the eye as it contains beta carotene and is found in carrots, whale liver oil 19659002]

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