Warning of the cholera outbreak after detected cases


Warning of a cholera outbreak after the discovery of cases of penile infestation, a beautiful day in our site where we are always eager to provide wonderful content of the news, we would like to admire our dear visitors in the Arab world, and our dedication We follow all the modern news and we monitor and analyze for leadership and the event.The Director of the May 22, 2007, Cholera Treatment Center at the Ministry of Health, La Sanaa capital, Tukir The outbreak of the cholera epidemic, which killed last year more than 2,000 people

The Al-Hurra chain quoted Ibrahim al-Akhfash saying that there had 30 cases in the center, some of whom were diagnosed with the disease

Health authorities and international organizations promptly provided drugs and therapeutic and diagnostic supplies to the Center.

The high rate of cholera contagion heralded a new home in Sanaa, the third of its kind, after the second wave that began in late April. About 2,400 people were killed, mostly children.

Clubs to thank everyone who read the news very carefully and we liked to bring closer the views of the true direction We are always good to you, warning of the outbreak of cholera after the discovery of cases. Penile infestation, we hope to have been impressed by Everywhere the news of a cholera outbreak was transmitted after the discovery of infected cases on our site, we do not forget to follow the work of "Lake Wechir" through the pages of our website "The Free Pen – the first pioneer in the Arab region". Social Communication

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