Weight gain can change the heart structure of young people


The latest health news, where a recent scientific study supervised by US researchers, that overweight can lead to high blood pressure and heart muscle hypertrophy, which is preparing to change the structure of the heart later in life.

This study is the first to explore whether BMI BMI has adverse effects on the cardiovascular system of young people. "Our findings support the reduction in body mass index in a normal and healthy age," said Keithlin Wady, lead author of the study and co-author of the Unity of Care Unit. Integrative epidemiology of the Medical Research Council at the University of Bristol. Early to prevent heart disease later.

The results of the researchers suggest that the high body mass index causes:

  • systolic hypertension (higher figure) and diastolic blood pressure (bottom).
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy, the central chamber of cardiac pumping.

The results indicate that the high body mass index causes changes in the composition of the young heart, which may precede changes in blood vessels, according to the researchers.

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