You get a new language after its original language is amputated because of cancer You get a new language after its original language is amputated because of cancer Saturday 21.07.2018 17h40


After a large part of her tongue was amputated by a malignant tumor, an American found her pronunciation and sense of taste by surgery during which a new tongue was adjusted

early 2017 , Cynthia Zamora, 57, San Diego,

In April of the same year, doctors removed the tumor and cut off a small portion of her thigh before connecting it to the root of her tongue. origin.

Zamora was able to regain his sense of taste and speech after having undergone a physical, radiological and chemical therapy, Training sessions to learn to speak and eat with his new language

For nearly two months, the The woman's situation greatly improved her ability to taste a fried chicken meal from Kentucky for the first time since she succumbed to cancer, British Daily Mail.

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Recover a new language after amputation of its original language because of cancer
Saturday 21.07.2018 17:40, Follow us on the social networking sites of our news news site always.
Source: Arab Yemen

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