You can wake up sleeping and find yourself a bruise on your arm or leg, but you do not remember that you hit something. What happens often is more likely to be bruised than others , or other members who warn you of more serious health problems.
First: "bruise" A red or blue spot appears on the human body, it appears as a result of small blood vessels that burst under the skin, often resulting in a sudden or sudden death. 39, a fall. The blood leaks from the blood vessels in this region to the surrounding areas, appearing as a blood group under the skin.
The bruise has several types: subcutaneous bruising, muscle and bone bruising. When it begins to disappear as a result of the reabsorption of excess blood, it changes from red to purple, then to blue to yellow before erasing and the skin becomes natural again
but if the reasons for its appearance do not are not known,
Liver: transcendental warning messages
The body's ability to bruise is a symptom of liver disease and yellowing of the skin. (19659002) Blood Coagulation .. Stopping bleeding disorders
One of its symptoms The appearance of red or dark bruises on the surface of the skin, accompanied by continuous nose bleeds and bleeding after minor injuries or after brushing teeth. Small blood vessels appear under the skin and widen as red and blue dots appear on the surface of the skin.
Cancer When the body is unable to prevent bleeding
Skin with other symptoms such as nosebleeds, and continuous bleeding when it is exposed to injury, regardless of the size
Sports .. Kdmadtha muscle and bone
Pregnancy .. Destruction of platelets
This is due to an increase in plasma production during pregnancy, with plasma dissolving the largest number of platelets less than normal.
There is also a normal process of the body, through which plaque is destroyed and replace it with new ones, this process proceeds more quickly during pregnancy; The body of a pregnant woman is deficient in the number of platelets, which affects the blood clotting, and usually the doctor alerts the pregnant woman and, after reproduction, the blood platelets return to normal number
Hormones .. work imbalance of this gland
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