Scalise avoids blaming Trump for riot on Capitol Hill after Mar-a-Lago visit


Home minority whip Steve ScaliseStephen (Steve) Joseph ScaliseSunday shows preview: CDC School reopening guidelines spark debate; Texas combats winter frost The Hill’s Morning Report – Disaster policy hampers Cruz, Cuomo Trump-McConnell rift splits GOP PLUS donors (R-La.), Who visited last week President TrumpDonald Trump Governors in hot water over response to coronavirus DOJ investigates Alex Jones and Roger Stone played a role in riots on January 6: Did WaPo Biden simply endorse ‘the human rights with Chinese characteristics ”? AFTER in Mar-a-Lago on Sunday, Trump deflected blame for the deadly riot on Capitol Hill.

Scalise told ABC “This Week” host Jonathan Karl that he “ended up” at the former president’s resort town in Palm Beach during a visit to Florida to raise funds when ‘asked if he had spoken to Trump about the responsibility of a mob of his supporters invading the Capitol during The official tally of the Electoral College of Congress confirmed President BidenJoe Biden Nearly 70 dead in states with harsh winter weather: report Two more deaths confirmed in Louisiana linked to harsh winter conditions A lawyer who has filed a lawsuit to overturn the 2020 election results returned by a judge for discipline PLUSvictory. The House impeached Trump for his role in the seat and the Senate acquitted the former president in a trial.

“I was in Florida doing a fundraiser in several parts of Florida, I ended up in Mar-a-Lago and the president reached out and we visited,” Scalise said. “I hadn’t seen him since he left the White House and it was really good to catch up with him. I noticed he was a lot more relaxed than his four years in the White House.

“It was more of a conversation about how he’s doing now and what he’s planning to do and how his family is doing,” Scalise said.

Karl later referred to the minority House leader’s comments. Kevin mccarthyKevin McCarthyTrump to speak at CPAC in his first public appearance since leaving the White House GOP: McConnell-Trump Civil War Will Hurt Republicans 17 Attorneys General call for K cancellation of student debt MORE, who, on the evening of January 6, flatly accused Trump of the riot comments the California Republican later backtracked.

Scalise replied that there was “a lot of criticism to be made.”

“In the end, the people who stormed the Capitol on January 6, it was a disgrace and they have to be held accountable,” Scalise said.

“It’s obvious,” replied Karl. “I’m asking questions about Donald Trump’s role in all of this.”

Scalise then moved on to the subject of Trump’s second impeachment trial where defense attorneys showed a mashup video of Democrats using the word ‘fight’ in political speeches in relation to Trump’s ‘fight like hell’ phrase. used during a speech just before the rioters stormed the Capitol.

“Everything they’ve done since the day [he] entered the office to try to remove him, ”Scalise said.

“So you say he doesn’t take any responsibility?” Karl asked.

“Look, President Trump denounced what happened and I think everyone should have been unequivocal in their denunciation of what happened not only on January 6 but during the summer,” said Scalise in reference to demonstrations that sometimes turned violent last year after several deaths. Black Americans in the hands of the police.

“Let’s be at all levels and let’s say that anyone who uses violence to settle political disputes, there is no place for that in America and it should be unequivocally challenged,” Scalise said.


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