Trump to make first public appearance since quitting CPAC, report says


The ex-president will attend the annual conservative political conference on Feb. 28 in Orlando, CNN reports.

“Also look for the 45th president to take charge of President Biden’s disastrous amnesty and border policies,” a source told the News Network.

In his much-anticipated speech, the former president is expected to speak about the future of the Republican Party and the Conservative movement.

In addition to Mr. Trump, CPAC will also see appearances from pro-Trump GOP figures such as former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Mr Trump has been keeping a low profile since leaving office on Jan.20, but suffered a media blitz last week after the death of right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh.

During a series of interviews on friendly media outlets such as Newsmax, OANN and Fox News, Mr. Trump explained how the 2024 polls sought him out, without saying he planned to run for the House again. presidency.

“As for 24, it’s too early to tell, but I see a lot of great polls out there for sure,” Mr Trump said on Newsmax when asked if he would look. a position.

And he added, “Well we have huge support, I won’t say it yet, but we have huge support.

“I’m looking at the poll numbers that are through the roof. Only I could be dismissed and my numbers increase.

“The numbers are very good and very high, they are higher than before the elections.”

Mr. Trump has spoken at the CPAC event several times, and his appearance is expected to close this year’s event, which begins February 25.


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