SCHD says bats with rabies found in Shawnee County


Shawnee County asks people to be aware of the signs and symptoms of rabies because a bat found in the area has been tested positive for the disease.

The Shawnee County Department of Health says rabies is deadly, but preventable. The disease is usually transmitted by raccoons, bats, skunks and foxes.

Warning signs include weakness, fever and headaches. SCHD says that in a few days you may be suffering from brain dysfunction, anxiety and confusion.

Rabies vaccination can treat the disease. Vaccination is four shots over two weeks. The first shot must be done at the doctor's office. The remainder can be obtained at the SCHD Immunization Service at 2115 SW 10th Avenue and self-administered on the third, seventh and fourteenth days after the first shot.

Tips to prevent rabies:

  • Ask your veterinarian to vaccinate all valuable dogs, cats, ferrets, horses and breeders, and present animals (cattle and sheep) for rabies.
  • If bitten by an animal, consult a doctor and report it immediately to the public health department or animal control service in your area.
  • If your pet is bitten, contact your veterinarian or local health department for advice.
  • If you wake up in a room where there is a bat, even if there is no evidence of bite or scratch, consult a doctor.
  • Do not handle and do not feed wild animals. Never adopt wild animals or bring them into your home
  • Do not try to cure sick wildlife. Call Animal Control or an Animal Rescue Agency
  • Teach children never to handle unknown animals, whether they are wild or domestic, even if they seem friendly.


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