Scientist: To feed the world, start with sausage and insect ice cream


(CNN) – Lobsters are not beautiful. Dip these unsightly creatures in hot butter and they instantly become a different affair for most of us. Why, then, do we gag at the idea of ​​eating insects?

An Australian researcher hopes to change that. Professor Louwrens Hoffman, professor of meat science at the University of Queensland, is studying how worms, grasshoppers and other "alternative" proteins could be used or added to a range of foods of specialty.

So why call on bugs while you might have a tasty steak? Hoffman simply thinks that conventional livestock will not be able to meet global demand for meat. Alternative solutions are needed to replace or at least supplement traditional protein sources.

"The biggest potential for sustainable protein production is in insects and new plant sources," he said in a statement.

Studies show that western consumers who are afraid of eating insect-based meals try out insects if they are transformed and disguised – at the heart of their usual favorites, Hoffman said.

"For example, one of my students created a very tasty cream ice cream," he said.

Global trend

According to a recent study, entomophagy, the scientific word for eating insects, is commonly practiced in at least 113 countries. And with more than 2,000 documented edible species, the insects have been approved by the United Nations, which recommends them as a potential solution to the global food shortage. Add to this that they are environmentally friendly and can be produced with a fraction of the gas emissions that go into livestock, while nutritional studies have shown that insects are a good source of protein in terms of weight, although the fat and vitamin content varies from one species to another.

Part of Hoffman's research is on chickens. "Poultry is a massive industry all over the world and the industry is under pressure to find alternative proteins that are more sustainable, ethical and environmentally friendly than the cereal crops currently in use," he said. He is studying the potential use of larvae (maggots) of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) as a source of protein for chicken production.

Wild chickens do not eat food preparations. They eat insects and larvae, "he explained. "Everything is logical enough."

The evidence is on his side: his research shows that when the broiler chicken diet includes up to 15% larval flour, its production, as well as its aroma, flavor, juicy flavor and tenderness, are not compromised.

Kangaroo and rabbit meat patties

Hoffman also sees kangaroo meat as a potential source of global protein because they have the ability to graze in areas that are unsuitable for most animals. And one of his recent studies examined the addition of fermented rooibos extract – a broom-like plant that grows in South Africa and is mainly used to brew tea – cakes Rabbit meat to test its abilities as a "natural additive" in the manufacturing process.

Hoffman believes that "there must be a global reassessment of what can constitute healthy, nutritious and safe food for all".

Consider the humble history of lobster: until the end of the 19th century, lobsters had a negative reputation and were thus delivered to slaves, servants and prisoners in New England cities in the United States where they were abundant and cheap. Some cities have even enacted laws that prevent prisoners from feeding them too often, because it would be inhuman to give them more.

"An overpopulated world is going to have trouble finding enough protein, unless people want to open their minds and stomachs to a much broader notion of food," he said. "Do you want to eat a commercial sausage based on maggots?"

Extra onions, please – and pass the mustard.


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