Scientists Break Breakthrough in Anti-Aging Treatment and Reverse Signs of Aging in Human Cells – Tech News, Firstpost


Although aging is a natural process, we humans have always fought against it.

And now, a group of Israeli scientists have successfully reversed the aging process in what is being hailed as “groundbreaking research”. The adult blood cells that followed the oxygen therapy were found to be younger.

The project was undertaken by scientists from Tel Aviv University and Shamir Medical Center and the results were published in Aging magazine from November 18.

    Scientists Break Breakthrough in Anti-Aging Treatment, Reverse Signs of Aging in Human Cells

In the study, approximately 35 adult humans over the age of 64 were given HBOT for 90 minutes a day, five times a week for three months. Image credit; TAU

The team treated the cells in a pressurized chamber with high pressure oxygen. They were able not only to stop the aging process, but also to reverse two major processes associated with aging and its diseases. One was the shortening of telomeres (hooded-like structures found in chromosomes) and the other was a buildup of old and defective cells in the body.

Professor Shai Efrati of TAU has led research on hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in healthy aging adults. As Al Jazeera reports, approximately 35 adult humans over the age of 64 were part of the study. All were given HBOT for 90 minutes a day, five times a week for three months.

In just three months, according to the study, the physical changes were “equivalent to how participants’ bodies were at the cellular level 25 years earlier.” Subjects were also found to have better attention, information processing speed, and executive functions. “Focusing on immune cells containing DNA obtained from the blood of participants, the study found up to 38 percent lengthening of telomeres, as well as a decrease of up to 37 percent in the presence of senescent cells, ”said one Press statement.

“Today telomere shortening is considered the ‘holy grail’ of the biology of aging,” said Professor Efrati while speaking about the importance of recent research. He said researchers around the world have tried to develop “interventions” that can lead to telomere lengthening and the HBOT protocol has succeeded in doing so.


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