Scientists decode the secrets of the hardest bean DNA in the world


UC Riverside scientists have decoded the genome of black-eyed peas, offering hope to feed the Earth's growing population, especially as the climate changes.

Understanding the genes responsible for the drought and heat tolerance of peas could eventually help make other crops more difficult as well.

Black-eyed peas are small beans with dark belly. They have been a global staple for centuries because of their environmental toughness and exceptional nutritional qualities, such as high protein and fat content. In sub-Saharan Africa, they remain the primary source of protein in the human diet.

cowpeas beans
Cowpea seeds of different colors, patterns, sizes and shapes. (TJ Close / UCR)

A genome is the set of genetic codes that determine characteristics such as color, size, and disease susceptibility. All genomes contain highly repetitive DNA sequences that UCR computer professor and project co-leader Stefano Lonardi liken to "hundreds of thousands of identical puzzle pieces."

Lonardi described the process of understanding how puzzle sequences came together as "a computer challenge." To do this, the Lonardi team has assembled the genome several times with different software tools and parameters. They then created new software capable of merging these different genomic solutions into one complete array.

With the success of this project, black-eyed pea has only joined a handful of other major crops whose genomes have been fully sequenced. The team's work on the project was published in the June issue of The Plant, where it was featured on the cover, and Lonardi's free software can be downloaded online.

Research on black-eyed peas, a legume also known as cowpea, began at UC Riverside more than 40 years ago. But cowpea's presence at Riverside is about 200 years old.

"Cowpeas are here to help people since the early days of the colonial period," said Timothy Close, co-project leader, professor of botany and plant science at UCR. "It is good that we have put this plant so rich in local history at the forefront of scientific research."

This is the first high quality reference genome for cowpea. The work began three years ago, mainly thanks to a $ 1.6 million grant from the National Science Foundation, or NSF. An additional NSF grant of $ 500,000 also supported computational efforts.

The size of the research team is an index of the complexity of the project. Besides Close and Lonardi, María Muñoz-Amatrian, Qihua Liang, Steve Wanamaker, Sassoum Lo, Hind Alhakami, Rachid Ounit, Philip Roberts, Jansen Santos, Arsenio Ndeve and Abid Md. Additional team members from the United States came from UC Davis, the California Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute, the New Mexico National Genomic Resource Center and the US Department of Agriculture. 'Iowa. The members of the international team came from Finland, France, Brazil and the Czech Republic.

As in humans, there are differences between different cowpeas. Knowing which genes are responsible for qualities in individuals such as color, size or resistance to pathogens will help breeders to develop new varieties that are even more resilient to external challenges.

"Having the genome sequence helps scientists decide which parent plants to cross to produce the desired offspring," said Close.

Scientists are now trying to understand cowpea as its remarkable ability to recover from drought stress.

"We are trying to understand why cowpea is so resistant to harsh conditions," said Close. "As we enter a world with less water available for agriculture, it will be important to capitalize on and develop this capacity, using cowpea as an example to guide improvements to other vulnerable crops in the world. climate change.


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