Scientists discover network of highways that can be used to travel through the solar system – Tech news, Firstpost


Scientists have now discovered an ultra-high grid to travel through the solar system much faster than previously thought. According to the study’s authors, such routes can drive comets and asteroids near Jupiter to Neptune in less than a decade and up to 100 astronomical units in less than a century. The study authors say they could be used to send spacecraft to the ends of the planetary system relatively quickly and also to monitor near-Earth objects.

    Scientists discover network of highways that can be used to travel through the solar system

This image is the combination of near ultraviolet data, shown in yellow, and far ultraviolet data, shown in blue. Image Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech

According to a declaration by UC San Diego News Center, in an article published Nov. 25, the researchers observed the dynamic structure of these routes, forming connected series of arcs within space manifolds that extend from Uranus and beyond .

The newly discovered new “celestial highway” or “celestial highway” operates over decades unlike the millions of years that typically characterize the dynamics of the solar system.

According to the researchers, most of the star arc structures are related to Jupiter and its gravitational force. The structures were solved by gathering numerical data from millions of orbits in the solar system and calculating their integration into already known spatial varieties.

Although the results need to be studied in more detail, the researchers say the two determine how they can be used by spacecraft and how these varieties behave in close proximity to Earth, controlling the encounters of asteroids and meteorites.


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