Scientists discover prehistoric baby bottles in Germany | News | DW


Prehistoric ceramic vases were likely used as baby bottles to feed infants with animal milk, Wednesday confirmed archaeologists in one of the earliest examples of how prehistoric men fed babies.

The objects, some of which were shaped like animals, were discovered in bronze and iron age burial sites located in contemporary Bavaria, in the south-east of Germany. Germany.

The study, which was published in the scientific journal Nature, found "evidence of foods used to feed or wean prehistoric babies", which "confirms the importance of pet milk" for prehistoric groups of human beings.

Archaeologists say that little is known about the foods that infants consumed in the prehistoric era.

The researchers said the oldest of the three ships examined in this study was built in the Bronze Age between 2800 and 3200 years ago.

"I think this provided us with the first direct evidence of the foods that babies ate or were weaned in prehistory," said Julie Dunne, lead author of the study and biomolecular archaeologist at the University of Bristol in Great Britain.

"I think it shows us the love and care that these prehistoric people had for their babies."

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"Incredibly cute"

The bowl-shaped objects had narrow beaks and were small enough to fit in the hands of a baby. Some were shaped like animal heads with horns, long ears and long feet.

"I find them incredibly cute, and prehistorics may have thought so," said archaeologist Katharina Rebay-Salisbury of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Reuters news agency. .

"They would certainly have a dual function of entertaining children, just like modern stuffed animals," she added.

Read more: Nuremberg archaeologists restore rare Bronze Age tank funerary objects

Rebay-Salisbury added that life was difficult in Europe in the Bronze Age and the Iron Age, with many people suffering from starvation, illness and unhealthy living conditions.

About one-third of all newborns died before their first birthday and only about half of the children reached adulthood, said Rebay-Salisbury.

wmr / se (AFP, Reuters)

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