Scientists discover that hearing and listening activate the same parts of the brain


TheAngulation is a complex process that involves many areas of the brain, and it was previously thought that the brain treated spoken and written information differently.

For the study, nine volunteers listened to stories from "The Moth Radio Hour," a popular podcast broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in which people read true stories. The study participants were then invited to read the same stories.

The researchers analyzed the brains under the listening and reading conditions to compare brain activity and found that they were virtually identical. They also discovered that words activated specific parts of the brain, be they visual, tactile, digital, location, violent, mental, emotional or social.

Maps, which covered at least a third of the cerebral cortex, allowed researchers to accurately predict which words would activate parts of the brain.

Scientists believe that word cards could have clinical applications, such as comparing language treatment in people with stroke, epilepsy, speech disorder, brain lesions or dyslexia.

"If, in the future, we find that the dyslexic brain presents a rich representation of semantic language when listening to an audiobook or other recording, this could bring more of audio material in the classroom, "added Dr. Deniz.

"It would be very useful to be able to compare the semantic charts of listening and reading of people suffering from auditory processing disorders."

The research was published in the Journal of Neuroscience.


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