Scientists discover that insomnia is in our genes


Could a treatment for insomnia be in our genes? Sleeping difficulty can be hereditary as scientists discover 47 DNA sections that determine how easy we doze

  • Of these 47 genetic sites, 36 have never been identified in previous studies
  • The quality of sleep can be related to the release of serotonin, a chemical substance of well-being.
  • Those with a larger size or restless leg syndrome may have trouble sleeping

Millions of us dread bedtime while we go to bed while trying to fall asleep.

But a new study suggesting that insomnia is in our genes gives scientists new hope for healing.

After analyzing the DNA of more than 85,000 people, researchers have discovered 47 genetic sites that determine the ease with which we doze, as well as the length of time we stay awake.

Of these, 36 genes have never been identified before, which could "inform the development of new treatments to improve our sleep".

A new study that suggests that insomnia is in our genes gives scientists new hope for healing

A new study that suggests that insomnia is in our genes gives scientists new hope for healing

The study was conducted by the University of Exeter and led by Dr. Samuel Jones, Research Fellow at the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Dr. Andrew Wood, lead author and speaker in Statistical Genetics, said, "We know that getting enough sleep improves our health and well-being, but we still know enough about the mechanisms in our bodies that influence our sleep.

"Changes in the quality, quantity and rhythm of sleep are strongly associated with several human diseases such as diabetes and obesity, as well as psychiatric disorders."

Identifying the genes at the origin of insomnia "will provide new information on sleep regulation," the authors wrote in the journal Nature Communications.

Although previous studies have found a link between sleep and genetics, they relied on patients who self-reported their symptoms of insomnia.

To improve this, the researchers analyzed 85,670 participants from the British Biobank study who were wearing accelerometers every day for a week. UK Biobank includes the genetic information of half a million people.

These participants were compared to 5,819 people who also wore wrist monitoring devices during other tests.

Accelerometers record our activity levels, which can then be used to indicate sleep patterns.

According to researchers, this is considered a more accurate way of measuring the silence of the eyes than self-reported data.

The results revealed that 47 genetic sites are associated with the duration, quality and timing of sleep.

Of these, 26 sites related to sleep quality and 10 to the duration of our closed eye had never been identified before.

"Sleep quality genes" have been associated with the production of serotonin, a chemical well-being. This neurotransmitter – which transmits chemical messages between nerve cells – has already been associated with deep sleep disorders.

PDE11A is one of the newly discovered genes, which affects both the duration of our sleep and its quality.

PDE11A has already been suggested as a drug target for people with neuropsychiatric disorders affecting mood behaviors or social behaviors.

"This study identifies genetic variants affecting sleep patterns and will provide new insights into the molecular role of sleep in humans," said Dr. Jones.

"This is part of an emerging work that could one day enlighten the development of new treatments to improve our sleep and our overall health."

The results also revealed that those with larger waistlines were less likely to be blinded.

However, this association was very small, with those with a 100 cm hip circumference getting four seconds less sleep per night for each 1 cm increase in waist circumference.

The study also found that those who suffer from restless leg syndrome are less likely to sleep a good night's sleep.

What happens to our bodies if we stay awake for days?

Not sleeping for days can cause a series of symptoms and can even be fatal.

During the first 24 hours of sleep deprivation, levels of hormones in the body resulted in an increase in blood pressure, reported SLATE.

From the second day, the body is no longer able to properly break down glucose, resulting in carbohydrate cravings.

The body temperature of a person also drops and his immune system is compromised.

Although no human being has ever been declared dying of insomnia, a 1980s study from the University of Chicago revealed that rats died after 32 days of sleep deprivation .

It is thought that the body temperature of rodents has dropped so much that they have developed hypothermia.

Their immune system may also have become so weak that bacteria normally confined to their intestines spread throughout their body.

Another theory is that the animals became so stressed that they died.

One of the most famous insomniacs is music teacher Michael Corke, of New Lenox, Illinois, who was suffering from lethal family insomnia, a rare disease.

He died at the age of 42 after six months of total sleep deprivation. It can not however be said with certainty that it is the insomnia that killed him.

But it's Randy Gardner who holds the record for the longest time without sleep.

In 1964, while he was in high school in San Diego, this 17-year-old remained awake for 11 days and 25 minutes.

During the experiment, Mr. Gardner developed speech and memory problems and began to hallucinate, reported Sleepio.


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