Scientists dismissed from a cancer center after being accused of "stealing research for China"


A cancer center in Houston, Texas, fired three of its scientists who allegedly stole research data for China.

MD Anderson Cancer Center President Peter Pisters told the Houston Chronicle that the National Institutes of Health contacted the center in 2018, fearing potential conflicts of interest regarding undeclared foreign income from five researchers and faculty members.

"As guardians of taxpayers' money invested in biomedical research, we have an obligation to follow up," said Pisters, explaining how the cancer treatment center had received $ 148 million dollars ($ 114 million) in grants from the National Institute of Health last year.

The newspaper reported that the three dismissed scientists were of Chinese origin. Two of them resigned before the end of the proceedings and the third challenged the dismissal. On the other two of the five, officials determined that the termination was not necessary for one, and the other remains under investigation.

It is not clear if any of them is the subject of prosecution or deportation by the federal government.

Christina Garza, spokeswoman for the FBI in Houston, said Saturday that the agency "does not confirm nor deny the existence of any investigation".

the Houston ChronicleThe report does not indicate what evidence of theft of intellectual property, let alone theft of the Chinese government, was discovered on the site.

Americans of Chinese origin said the crackdown amounted to racial profiling.

"Scientific research depends on the free flow of ideas," said Frank H Wu, chairman of the 100 Committee in New York, composed of influential Americans of Chinese descent. the Chronicle

"Our national interest is best put forward by welcoming people, not by racial stereotypes based on the person's origin."

Additional reports by AP


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