Scientists may have found a special black hole that could change our understanding of the universe


Scientists may have found a black hole that could change our understanding of the universe.

For decades, researchers have searched for an example of a “goldilocks” black hole – one that sits between the low-mass holes found in their use and the supermassive examples that are the focus of much discussion about black holes.

The theory suggests that there are a lot of these black holes around, formed when lower mass black holes turn into supermassive holes. If we knew how many there are, it would help provide better information about the formation and evolution of black holes over time.

But in fact, finding one has been difficult, as they are too large for some means of detecting black holes and too small for others. There has been little actual observational evidence for their existence, and the existing evidence has not been definitive.

And this despite the theoretical work which suggests that there are a large number of these black holes throughout the universe. There are probably some 46,000 in the vicinity of our own Milky Way galaxy, the researchers say.

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Now researchers said in a new paper published in Nature astronomy that they found evidence of exactly such a black hole, with information about its existence coming to us from the early cosmos.

Evidence of the black hole came to Earth in the form of light, distorted by an explosion that occurred when the universe was in its infancy. Scientists have examined information on thousands of bursts caused by the collapse or fusion of stars, hoping to use one to peer into the early universe.


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