Scientists plan to shoot massive load of sperm on the moon


The moon ... duh.

The moon … duh.
Photo: Norberto Duarte (Getty Images)

March was, to our surprise, a real highlight month for high profile ejaculations. We foolishly thought the climax of the month was realized with the basketball “hand sanitizer camera” weeks ago, and all the sperm-adjacent news would have to wait while the world lay in a tired stupor and recharged. But now we’ve learned that a group of scientists from the University of Arizona have proposed blowing a large amount of sperm and egg samples on the moon.

The plan was developed at this year’s Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers aerospace conference, long known as the most erotic of engineering conferences. In a video of the event (SFW despite its many sinister references to “lunar pits” and “lava tubes”) the team from the University of Arizona proposed the creation of a “modern arch” under the surface of the moon that would contain a biological treasure of animal fluids.

The ark would consist of a giant sperm bank, dipped deep into some of the many holes carved by the moon’s lava in order to preserve genetic material in the event the Earth is annihilated through events under or outside the control of the Moon. humanity. Because these lunar pits are protected from temperature changes and radiation, they provide an ideal storage solution for reproductive dross that allows life to continue.

The Arizona team suggests that advanced robots would be needed to move around the extremely cold lunar vaults and manipulate the samples. We don’t know how feasible all of this is because our formal science education stopped before the phase that allows you to formulate concepts like “filling the moon with sperm”. Either way, you know what they’re saying: shoot for the moon, and your rocket filled with a huge library of frozen sperm should at least end up among the stars.

[via Vice]

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