Scientists warn that Pinterest is filled with dangerous DIY sunscreen recipes


If you go to the beach this summer and want to avoid sunburn, do not forget your essential oils of avocado, beeswax and carrot seed. This is claimed by various Pinterest users who shared their own DIY sunscreen recipes online. However, scientists warn us not to listen.

According to Pinterest's user, Skincare, who sells "healthy deodorant," among others, "the overwhelming majority of sunscreens on the market are, well … horrible" and "cause cancer".

Ironically, the sunscreens we use really defend us from cancer and do a very good job.

"The Internet is a great place for families looking for cooking ideas and craft projects, but not necessarily creating their own safety affairs," said Dr. Lara McKenzie in a statement.

"Home sunscreens are risky because they are not regulated or tested for their effectiveness, unlike commercial sunscreens.When you make them yourself, you do not know if it's safe or effective . "

McKenzie is part of a team of scientists from Nationwide Children's Hospital and the University of North Florida who recently conducted a study published in the journal Health Communication. They examined the presence of sunscreen DIY on Pinterest and examined how they were represented.

The researchers found that 95% of the pins or bookmarks for home-made sunscreens positively described the products as an effective alternative to ordinary sunscreens. However, 68% of DIY sunscreen recipes have produced sunscreens with insufficient UV protection.

UV rays refer to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, UVA and UVB. Excessive exposure to UV radiation can damage the DNA of skin cells, resulting in carcinogenic mutations. About 90% of skin cancers other than melanoma are related to sun exposure, and it is also thought that it often plays a role in the development of melanoma, the type of skin cancer the more deadly, especially in fair-skinned people. To effectively protect our skin, we must use sunscreens that protect both UVA and UVB rays.

One-third of the sunscreen on Pinterest claimed to have a sun protection factor of between 2 and 50. However, the researchers warned that sunscreens contain ingredients that do not contain enough evidence to suggest protection against UVB. and UVA. If you are wondering what these ingredients are, they include beeswax, myrrh essential oil, carrot seed oil, coconut oil and shea butter.

On average, each online PIN has been recorded 808 times, including 21,700 times – a worrying sign that many people do not protect themselves effectively and protect their children from the sun.

Fortunately, researchers have noted some helpful tips on how to best protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. First of all, you should always use an FDA approved sunscreen with a broad spectrum coverage, which means that it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. They also recommend the use of a waterproof sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Secondly, the researchers say that you should apply sunscreen about half an hour before going to the sun and reapply it every two hours. It is also important to encourage children to use sunscreen so that they get into the habit. Finally, always make sure your sunscreen is always up to date. If it's out of date or looks weird, throw it out and take a new bottle.

Chemical sunscreens are totally safe, but if you really hate the idea of ​​using them, you can always try a mineral alternative. Do not make your own carrot oil and beeswax, it will not protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.


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