Screenshot of Days Gone Captures The incredible level of detail of the game


Past days Published yesterday, and until now, the reception has been lukewarm. Most critics of the game claim that it will be a mediocre experience, while the consumer hype around the exit seems to be evaporating. That said, there are parts of Past days who are obviously very strong, such as his attention to detail. The game world is not the most realized nor the most inspired, but it takes note of the little things. For example, developers have decided to add oil suppressor filters to the filter, which are a reality. This in itself is not very impressive, but a screenshot captured by a player of suppressors in action is.

Recently, a Reddit player went to the site to post a picture before and after showing the unused suppressor and after firing their first ball with, revealing that after firing the first ball, the filter then went on a bullet hole from there. outside.

[Image] The level of detail of this game is amazing. Before and after shooting the first ball of my new silencer. DaysGone from r / PS4

Of course, this detail has no tangible impact on the quality of the game, but it's nice to see this level of detail from a developer. Most games would not do this and do not do it.

For more news, media and information on Past days, be sure to check out all of our previous covers of the open world action-adventure game by clicking here. And of course, if you have not already done so, do not forget to take a look at our official review of the game to find out what we think of the latest Sony PS4 exclusive, especially if you want one.

"If you average Days Gone's Gaps with its moments of redemption, you end up with a game that is perfectly perfect in every sense of the word, nothing more, maybe a little less, "reads an excerpt from the review. Past days and will definitely enjoy all that Bend Studio and Sony have to offer while patiently waiting for free content and upcoming bugfixes. For those who have a casual or temporary interest, however, it is a better game bought for sale or used to hold you back until your next major purchase. "

As always, do not hesitate to leave a comment to tell us what you think or contact me on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and ring there. did you like it Past days? What do you think of his post-apocalyptic world?


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