Seattle cops fired for witnessing January 6 uprising


Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz announced Friday that two police officers had been fired for being present and “directly next to” the Capitol during the Jan. 6 uprising.

Inventory: The officers, Caitlin and Alexander Everett, who are married, said they stood 30 to 50 yards from the Capitol and never saw any signs of disturbance. However, FBI photographs showed them standing “directly next to” the Capitol building.

  • In the Police Department’s disciplinary reports for officers, Diaz wrote that if they had “restricted your activities on January 6 to attending a non-violent political rally and speech, you would not be disciplined. “.
  • Diaz added that “[t]its discipline is not simply and unequivocally based on your participation in a rally in favor of a candidate or a position. It is based on your involvement “in the murderous riot.

What they say : “It is beyond the absurd to suggest that they didn’t know they were in an area where they shouldn’t be, in the midst of what was already a violent criminal riot,” Diaz said.

  • “These two officers were present during an attack on the United States Capitol, which was also an attack on our profession and on all officers across the country,” he added.
  • “The participation of these two agents in this crowd is a task for our department, and for the men and women who work every day to protect our community, to serve those in need and to do so with compassion and dignity.”

To note : This is the first time the identity of the couple has been revealed, according to AP.

Between the lines: It is not known if the Everett’s are the subject of a federal criminal investigation, AP notes.


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