Sekiro Lady Butterfly Boss Guide: How to get caught


Even very early in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, you have to face challenging boss battles, but they can be simplified much more easily with the right weapons and the right items. There is a host of early prostheses not to be missed, such as the Flame Vent, which can be of invaluable help in combating the Ogre chain. Lady Butterfly, a fast leader who uses illusory appearances to help her, is another much easier fighter if you have the right equipment.

Doing business with Lady Butterfly is much easier if you have Snapseeds, a consumable item that breaks the illusion of the boss's appearances. You will get a snapse of a samurai just outside the room where you fight Lady Butterfly, but it runs out pretty quickly. Snapseed are not essential to defeating Lady Butterfly, but they make fighting much easier. The problem is that Snapseed are hard to find and are only found in certain places and you can not buy them from the merchants.

You can find Snapseed quickly to fight Lady Butterfly if you know where to look. To find them, you have to go back to Ashina's suburb and attack another fearsome enemy: the white snake.

To find the Snapseed, start by visiting the Underbridge Valley area in the suburb of Ashina. You will find the location shortly after beating chef Chained Ogre. Heading towards the statue of idol for the place, you will meet the giant white snake, a huge boss who will pursue you throughout your passage in the area.

The trick to pass the White Snake is stealth. Stay low and hidden in tall grass, wait for the snake's attention to be elsewhere, then jump into the valley and use your grapple to clear yourself. Repeat the process of stealth and avoid the snake to the wooden palanquin, where you can briefly hide from the snake. When he approaches to try to look inside, you can wear a mortal blow on his eye, making it float with horror and pain, giving you a chance to run for the exit of the area beyond.

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Once you have cleared the snake, you will reach the Ashina Castle Gate fortress and its corresponding idol statue. Do not continue once you have arrived. Come back to the place where you fought the snake. You should see a shiny object on the hill just next to the palanquin where you stabbed the white snake, marking a bush on the mountain. Go ahead and you can catch five Snapseed in the bush.

It is however advisable to spend time fighting Lady Butterfly before using your Snapseed. Appearances that you do not destroy with your sword or seeds will turn into ethereal butterflies that can damage you, but they are easy to avoid or block with the wooden beams around the area. If you use Snapseeds, be sure to be close to the apparitions before activating them – they will create a wave around you that will dispel ghosts, but if you are too far away, it will not work.


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