Senate advances Biden’s $ 1.2 billion infrastructure package with 18 GOP votes


The Senate on Saturday offered to push forward President Biden’s $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure package, removing a key procedural hurdle to end debate and clear the bill.

The 67-23 votes to invoke closure rebuffed GOP efforts to obstruct the bill. In total, 18 Republicans voted with each Democrat to advance the bipartisan measure.

The vote brings the bill closer to final adoption which could take place as early as Saturday afternoon. Among Republicans voting to move the bill forward was Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell.

“Republicans and Democrats have radically different visions these days, but those two visions include a physical infrastructure that works for all of our citizens,” he said in remarks just before the closing vote.

The bill is now moving into an amendment process, which the Republican leader warned needs to be explored.

“There are many pending amendments that are important that would improve the legislation and merit votes before the Senate is called upon to vote on the bill’s final passage,” McConnell said.

President Biden issued an emergency note ahead of Saturday’s vote, say in a tweet that the agreement was “a historic, one-generation investment in our country’s infrastructure” and that “it will create well-paying union jobs by repairing our roads and bridges, replacing lead pipes and building lines of energy transport ”.


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