It spreads “like a tsunami”, says health official


variant laboratory

Researchers are sequencing coronavirus samples at the microbiology laboratory at Badajoz University Hospital in Spain on April 15, 2021. Javier Pulpo / Europa Press / Getty Images

  • The five states with the lowest vaccination rates in the United States are seeing an increase in Delta variant cases.

  • The five states are Alabama, Louisiana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Mississippi.

  • In every state, authorities are sounding the alarm bells, warning that the Delta variant is spreading rapidly.

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The Delta variant is spreading rapidly in five states with the lowest vaccination rates in the country.

Officials in all five states – Alabama, Louisiana, Wyoming, Idaho and Mississippi – warn positive coronavirus cases are on the rise. In Alabama, only 26 of the more than 11,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the state since the start of the pandemic were people vaccinated, according to the Associated Press.

Only 44.7% of Alabama’s total population has received at least one dose against the coronavirus, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which tracks all 50 states and Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. After Alabama are Louisiana with 44.1%, Wyoming with 42.3%, Idaho with 41.6% and Mississippi last with 40.8%.

These numbers are pale compared to national statistics. About 58% of the U.S. population has received at least one dose against the coronavirus. In adults, about 71% received at least one dose.

In Mississippi, the state with the worst vaccination rates in the country, a senior health official said Thursday that the Delta variant was spreading “like a tsunami.”

“If we look at our trajectory, we see that it continues to increase without any real demonstration of stabilization or reduction,” Dr Thomas Dobbs, head of public health, said at a press briefing.

The other four states also face dire circumstances.

A senior medical official said Louisiana is “the worst place we’ve ever been in the pandemic,” adding that hospitals are overwhelmed to the point where resources are severely limited.

Federal assistance teams have arrived in Louisiana to help curb the spread of the coronavirus and help people recover from it. But the gaps in resources and availability of hospital rooms are so great that these teams are unable to make much of a difference.

The Delta variant has now become the dominant variety in Idaho and Wyoming.

Scientists and health officials attribute most of the new coronavirus cases to the Delta variant, according to a press release from the Wyoming Department of Health.

“We are deeply concerned. The Delta variant has really changed the fight against COVID we have on our hands. Unfortunately, Wyoming’s low vaccination rate makes our state more vulnerable to this highly contagious variant,” said Dr. Alexia. Harrist, public health official and epidemiologist. in Wyoming.

Federal and state health officials continue to urge people to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. In response to the increase in cases caused by the Delta variant, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in July again recommended that Americans – including people already fully vaccinated – mask themselves in indoor spaces.

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