Senator Mike Lee criticizes the Green New Deal with a Ronald Reagan poster riding a dinosaur and shooting with a machine gun


Washington • To mock the Liberal plan to fight climate change, Senator Mike Lee went to the Senate Tuesday with a poster of President Ronald Reagan riding a dinosaur firing with a machine gun.

The Republican of Utah, a serious conservative who is not generally known for his political stunts backed by supporters, said the Green New Deal of Democrats was as absurd as the poster he was showing.

"I'm getting up today," said Lee, "to examine the Green New Deal with the seriousness it deserves."

The Democrats did not bite; four of them joined the Republicans to oppose the measure while 43 Democrats voted present. He did not reach the threshold of 60 votes to reach a final vote. Lee and Romney voted against the bill.

"I do not immediately fear what the Green New Deal would do for our economy and our government," Lee said. "Rather, after reading the Green New Deal, I am especially afraid of not being able to cross this speech with an impassive face."

"The aspirations of the proposal have been described as radical. They have been described as extreme, "added Lee. "But above all they are ridiculous. There is not a single serious idea here. Not one."

The proposals include the provision of paid employment, paid family and medical leave, holidays and retirement security, health care for all, access to higher education and the repair or replacement of children. replacing roads, bridges and aging sewer systems. It also calls for making all energy consumed in the United States emissions-free, adding new energy-efficient buildings and eliminating the manufacturing that generates pollution.

Lee said his poster also included a rocket launcher attached to Reagan's back and a ragged American flag.

"Critics might argue with this depiction of the decisive Cold War battle because, although impressive, there has been no decisive battle in real life. There was no battle with or without velociraptors, "Lee said. "As we all know, the cold war was won without a fight."

The senator from Utah added that this point underlines his message "because this image has as much to do with the overtaking of 20th century communism as the Green New Deal with the fight against climate change of the 21st century".

Lee proposed his own solution to climate change: babies.

"Do you know where the solution can be found, Mr. President?" Asked Lee, replacing the Acting Speaker of the Senate. "In churches, wedding chapels, maternities of the country and the world. Mr. Speaker, here is the real solution to climate change: babies. "

"The planet," Lee added, "does not need our share to think globally, but to think about the family and to act personally. The solution to climate change is not the uneasy resolution we are debating this week in the Senate, but the serious issue of human prosperity. The solution to so many problems, at any time and in any place, is to fall in love, to get married and to have children. "

Lee also used other posters to make fun of the Green New Deal, which aimed to reduce air travel due to its carbon emissions, noting that Alaskans could use the fictitious "Star Wars" animals called tauntauns, driven by humans on the planet. Hoth and the Hawaiians could turn to the hero of the comic book Aquaman and his hippocampus trust to go to the continent.

Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat who is sponsoring the Green New Deal in the House, fought back Lee in a tweet.The largest shopping center

"Like many other women + workers, I sometimes suffer from the impostor syndrome: these little moments, especially during difficult days, where one wonders if the enemies are right," she wrote. If this guy can be a senator, you can do anything. "

Ocasio-Cortez also tweeted about Lee's posters, pointing out that they were paid by taxpayers.

"GOP Senators use their congressional allowances to print Aquaman posters to argue that a #GreenNewDeal saving our country from climate change is a" waste of money, "" she said, using an emoji that laughs so loud, he's crying.


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