08 Photos: Senegalese Fatou Ndiaye at the BET Awards ceremony 2018


GALSEN221 – The BET Awards ceremony, 2018 edition, was held in the night of Sunday, June 24th to Monday, June 25th in Los Angeles. Like every year, it honored the African-American (and international) successes of the past year. Among the celebrities present, the actress, model and blogger Fatou Ndiaye. Considered one of the most influential ambassadors of black beauty in France, Senegalese did not go unnoticed on the red carpet. Far from there. Little known in her home country, Fatou is in the middle since a young age. Now 38, she has had to play in famous films like "Asterix and Obelix" or "The Front Line".

Wait for the BETX International Nominee Party during the 2018 BET Experience at Indigo Hotel Los Angeles Downtown on June 23, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.

Waiting for the BETX International Nominee Party during the 2018 BET Experience at Indigo Hotel Los Angeles Downtown on June 23, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.

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