106,499 candidates pass the baccalaureate in 147 composition centers


By: | Keywords: Benin-BAC-studies
French.china.org.cn | Updated on 16-07-2018

Some 106,499 candidates in 147 centers of composition, including 35,789 girls or 33.60%, face this Monday the examination of the baccalaureate session 2018 throughout the national territory from Benin, Xinhua from official sources in Cotonou

In her radio broadcast Sunday night to the candidates, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Marie Odile Attanaso, reminded the postulants of the first university degree that "the baccalaureate exam is not a competition, but a stage evaluation that leads to a successful conclusion of secondary studies and opens the door to higher education in universities."

"That's now, from this Monday until next Wednesday, by concentrating on the requirements of each of the tests that are within your reach, that you will give a decisive turn to your life, "she recalled. to the candidates

She considered that the various reports which have come to her indicate that, "in spite of the disturbances of this academic year on the grounds of strikes, the teachers gave their utmost to complete the programs, and with the help of the inspectors and educational advisers. "

She took the opportunity to invite the 588 heads and supervisors of the composition centers, the 7,718 supervisors of these 147 centers, the 6,888 correctors, inspectors and presidents correctional commissions, public security forces and all those at various levels involved in the organization of this review to perform their work rigorously, in strict compliance with the rules of their respective missions.

<! – enpproperty 57399769 2018-07-16 20: 32: 10: 306 Benin: 106,499 candidates pass the baccalaureate in 147 centers of composition Benin-BAC-studies 1002 7,176,468 News News http://french.china.org.cn/foreign/txt/2018-07/16/content_57399769.htm null [19659019] Xinhua News Agency Some 106,499 candidates in 147 centers of composition, including 35,789 girls or 33.60%, face this Monday the examination of the baccalaureate session 2018 throughout the national territory of Benin, a learned Xinhua from official source in Cotonou 1 / enpproperty ->

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