20 minutes – Macron wants Africans to succeed "in Africa"


French President Emmanuel Macron called on Africa and Europe to build win-win solutions, particularly on the issue of migrants, by addressing Wednesday 300 young entrepreneurs, key moment of the second day of his visit to Nigeria

Affirming that both continents had a common destiny, Mr. Macron outlined his vision of the migrant crisis that is shaking the European Union and that will have to be resolved in the long term in Africa. We must resist short-term motions (…) and work with African governments, explained Emmanuel Macron, who was speaking at a Lagos hotel.

The sustainable answer is to build a better future in African countries, such as Senegal, the Ivory Coast or Nigeria, where young people leave because of lack of economic opportunities and prospects. There is a response, it is partly safe and political. We are better protecting our collective borders, helping transit countries to better protect their borders, "he told reporters.

Inauguration of the French Alliance of Lagos

The president has confirmed the need to control demographics in Africa: When you are a poor country where you leave the galloping population, you have seven or eight children per woman, you never get out of poverty, he said in an interview Radio France Internationale and France 24.

Because even when you have a growth rate of 5 or 6% you can never get out of it, especially that the concentration of wealth is not doing well, according to the head of the French state, who said assume this position, despite the criticism it can generate on the continent. By standing up, microphone hand, questions of young people, Emmanuel Macron has reproduced one of his favorite exercises abroad, Ouagadougou test and reproduced New Delhi, Washington and Aix-la-Chapelle

In the morning, he inaugurated the French Alliance of Lagos, shelters in a colonial villa renovated and made available by Mike Adenuga, a Nigerian billionaire who made a fortune in oil, telecommunications and services. The network of the Alliances franaises, which includes 832 schools for more than 500,000 students, makes it possible to make the French culture vibrate everywhere in the world, greeted the president.

Partnership with the NBA

Emmanuel Macron also spoke with Nigerian writer Wole Soyinka, including community conflicts in his country, the jihadist group, Boko Haram, and cultural exchanges between Africa and Europe.

The President ended this short African tour with a meeting with young basketball players for the signing of a contract between the French Development Agency (AFD) and the American Basketball Federation (NBA) to develop sports infrastructure in Africa.

The two infrastructures will invest six million dollars each to enable five million young people to play football. basketball in six countries for the next five years, said Amadou Gallo Fall, NBA Director General for Africa. This initiative follows the launch in February of the Elyse, the occasion of the visit of the new president of Liberia, former footballer George Weah, of a platform for the transformation of Africa through sport.

( nxp / afp)

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