27 billion FCFA collected by Benin on the financial market of Uemoa – The Pharaohs


Benin / Economy:


The government of President Patrice Talon has once again won the trust of financial partners. This confidence comes from an amount of 27 billion 500 million in Benin on the financial market of UEMOA. On July 10, the Treasury of Benin launched an issue by auctioning of Treasury equivalent bonds, aimed at mobilizing an amount of 25 billion FCFA, announced the West African Regional Debt Planning Agency WAMU-Securities in a statement. While it had put in tender that 25 billion francs CFA, Benin finally collected an amount of 27 billion 500 million CFA francs. A crop that is well above expectations. For example, Benin, which was seeking CFAF 25 billion, was offered by investors a much higher amount of CFAF 28 billion (CFAF 624 million).

In fact, the total amount of tenders is 28 billion CFA francs 624 million. FCFA but the selected bids are 27 billion 500 million. The hedging rate of the auctioned amount is 114, 50%, the marginal interest rate is estimated at 6, 3000% and the weighted average rate stagnates at 6, 2861. According to the agency UMOA-Securities, only three countries out of the eight that count the UEMOA namely Benin, Burkina Faso and Senegal, participated in the show. This targeted auction has therefore enabled Benin to mobilize the savings of natural and legal persons to cover the financing needs of the budget, management 2018. An umpteenth feat that confirms the Talon government's efforts and demonstrates the confidence now enjoyed by Benin in the international financial market.

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