338 candidates who are 100% successful at the CEG The LAC


Launch of BTS 2018: 338 candidates who are 100% successful at CEG The LAC

Minister Attanasso launches BTS 2018 events

The compositions tests of the last edition of the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) have started since Monday, July 23, 2018. It is the College of General Education (Ceg) The Lake in Cotonou which hosted the official launch.

In the center, 338 candidates compose in four (04) sectors namely the Office Secretariat, Insurance, Hotel and Catering, Tourism.

The launch of the tests was carried out by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Marie Odile Attanasso, who wished the candidates 100% success. She specifies that they play their last card for this examination of the superior. "Do everything you can to avoid going back into a license. Because this is your last year of BTS. "

She took the opportunity to explain the reasons that led to the suspension of this examination. "Since we have entered the LMD system and all the subjects are also found at the level of the license, it was necessary to respect the sub-regional norms and to take advantage of the economy for the state," the authority explained.

Words strengthened by the observation of low rates observed in recent years in the registration of candidates. "This year, there is a regression of 46% of the participation rate in this examination compared to the 2017 enrollment," suggested the minister for which this table justifies the lack of interest of learners for the BTS. 19659007] For the Chef Center, Félix Comlan Koffi, arrangements are made for the activities to be carried out in a better and seamless manner.

It should be noted that, at the national level, 3,577 candidates compose in 23 courses of study and in 09 composition centers including 01 in Parakou, 01 in Porto-Novo and 07 in Cotonou

The candidates have four or five days of compositions according to the sector

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